

E - Medical News

Health is Wealth
Present Medicine developed from various traditions which is rooted to different countries and different practices. Major development of medicine took place in the late 18th and early 19th century in Europe.
Modern medicine developed to a diverse field and the provision providing medical care in a variety of locations and involved in different categories of professionals. Stages of medical care can be divided in to several categories, Primary care, secondary care and Tertiary care medical services. Primary care providers are the physicians or other health professionals who meet a person seeking medical care first, then secondary or tertiary care providers ideally by referral system. Health care providers are group of highly trained professionals from different background coming together as an interdisciplinary team. Few common examples include: doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists etc.
These are some articles about common medical topics and latest findings discuss in most articles. They are categories in the alphabetical order. These included new articles publish last few year. You can find latest medical publication on the PubMed also, which is free medical database.
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Health Topics
- A -
Abdominal Pain
Abnormalities (Birth Defects)
ABO Blood Groups (Blood and Blood Disorders)
About Your Medicines (Medicines, Over-the-Counter Medicines)
Abuse (Domestic Violence)
Accident Prevention (Safety Issues)
Accidents (Falls, First Aid, Injuries)
Achondroplasia (Dwarfism)
Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux/Hiatal Hernia, Heartburn)
ACL Injuries (Knee Injuries and Disorders)
Acoustic Neuroma
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Acromegaly (Growth Disorders, Pituitary Disorders)
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)
Addison's Disease
Adenoids (Tonsils/Tonsillectomy)
ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)
Adolescent Development (Teen Development)
Adolescent Health (Teen Health)
Adrenal Gland Disorders
Adrenoleukodystrophy (Leukodystrophies)
Adult Immunization (Immunization)
Advance Directives
African-American Health
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Macular Degeneration)
Agent Orange (Veterans and Military Health)
Ageusia (Taste and Smell Disorders)
Aging (Seniors' Health Issues)
Aging Skin (Skin Aging)
AIDS and Infections
AIDS and Pregnancy
AIDS--Living with AIDS
Air Pollution
Airsickness (Motion Sickness)
Alagille Syndrome (Liver Diseases)
Alaska Native Health (Native-American Health)
Alcohol Abuse in Pregnancy (Pregnancy and Substance Abuse)
Alcohol and Youth
Alcohol Consumption
Allergy, Food (Food Allergy)
Allergy, Latex (Latex Allergy)
Alopecia (Hair Diseases and Hair Loss)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Alternative Medicine
Alternative Therapy for Cancer (Cancer Alternative Therapy)
Alzheimer's Caregivers
Alzheimer's Disease
AMD (Macular Degeneration)
Amenorrhea (Menstruation)
Amnesia (Memory)
Amniocentesis (Prenatal Testing)
Amphetamine Abuse
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Anabolic Steroids
Anal and Rectal Diseases
Anal Cancer
Anal Warts (HPV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
Anaphylaxis (Allergy)
Anencephaly (Neural Tube Defects)
Animal Bites (Bites and Stings)
Animal Diseases and Your Health
Animal Health (Animal Diseases and Your Health, Pets and Pet Health)
Ankle Injuries and Disorders
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Anorexia (Eating Disorders)
Anosmia (Taste and Smell Disorders)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (Knee Injuries and Disorders)
Antimicrobial Resistance (Antibiotics, Infectious Diseases)
Antisocial Personality Disorder (Personality Disorders)
Aortic Stenosis (Heart Valve Diseases)
Aplastic Anemia (Anemia)
Arctic Health (Native-American Health)
Arm Injuries and Disorders (Wrist and Arm Injuries and Disorders)
Arnold-Chiari Malformation (Head and Brain Malformations)
Arteriosclerosis of Extremities (Peripheral Vascular Diseases)
Arteriosclerosis, Coronary (Coronary Disease)
Artificial Feeding (Nutritional Support)
Artificial Insemination (Infertility)
Artificial Limbs (Amputees)
Asbestosis (Asbestos)
Asian-American Health
Asperger's Syndrome
Assisted Breathing (Critical Care)
Assisted Living
Assistive Devices
Asthma in Children
Astigmatism (Refractive Errors)
Ataxia (Degenerative Nerve Diseases, Movement Disorders)
Ataxia Telangiectasia
Atherosclerosis (Vascular Diseases)
Atherosclerosis, Coronary (Coronary Disease)
Athlete's Foot
Atrial Fibrillation (Arrhythmia)
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Auditory Tumor (Acoustic Neuroma)
Autoimmune Diseases
Automobile Safety (Motor Vehicle Safety)
Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis)
Avian Influenza (Animal Diseases and Your Health)
Modern Medicine & Information
Present Medicine developed from various traditions which is rooted to different countries and different practices. Major development of medicine took place in the late 18th and early 19th century in Europe. Modern medicine developed to a diverse field and the provision providing medical care in a variety of locations and involved in different categories of professionals. Stages of medical care can be divided in to several categories, Primary care, secondary care and Tertiary care medical services. Primary care providers
are the physicians or other health professionals who meet a person seeking medical care first, then secondary or tertiary care providers ideally by referral system.
Health care providers are group of highly trained professionals from different background coming together as an interdisciplinary team. Few common examples include: doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists etc.
Clinical disciplines in medical professional is quite wide and Medical doctors have many specializations and subspecializations. Few common disciplines are anesthesiology, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, General practice, Geriatrics, Hospital medicine, Intensive care medicine, Internal medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Endocrinology