

E - Medical News

Health is Wealth
Present Medicine developed from various traditions which is rooted to different countries and different practices. Major development of medicine took place in the late 18th and early 19th century in Europe.
Modern medicine developed to a diverse field and the provision providing medical care in a variety of locations and involved in different categories of professionals. Stages of medical care can be divided in to several categories, Primary care, secondary care and Tertiary care medical services. Primary care providers are the physicians or other health professionals who meet a person seeking medical care first, then secondary or tertiary care providers ideally by referral system. Health care providers are group of highly trained professionals from different background coming together as an interdisciplinary team. Few common examples include: doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists etc.
These are some articles about common medical topics and latest findings discuss in most articles. They are categories in the alphabetical order. These included new articles publish last few year. You can find latest medical publication on the PubMed also, which is free medical database.
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Health Topics
- H -
Hair Diseases and Hair Loss
Hairy Cell Leukemia (Leukemia, Adult Chronic)
Hallucinogens (Drug Abuse)
Hand Injuries and Disorders
Hantavirus Infections
Hardening of the Arteries (Vascular Diseases)
Hashimoto's Disease (Thyroid Diseases)
Hay Fever (Allergy)
Hazardous Waste
HDL (Cholesterol)
Head and Brain Injuries
Head and Brain Malformations
Head and Neck Cancer
Head Lice
Health Facilities
Health Fraud
Health Insurance
Health Maintenance Organizations (Managed Care)
Health Occupations
Health Statistics
Healthy Living (Preventing Disease and Staying Healthy)
Hearing Disorders and Deafness
Hearing Problems in Children
Heart Attack
Heart Bypass Surgery
Heart Diseases
Heart Diseases, Congenital (Congenital Heart Disease)
Heart Diseases--Prevention
Heart Failure
Heart Murmur (Congenital Heart Disease, Heart Valve Diseases)
Heart Surgery
Heart Transplantation
Heart Valve Diseases
Heat Illness
Heel Injuries and Disorders
Helicobacter Pylori Infections (Peptic Ulcer)
Hemodialysis (Dialysis, Kidney Failure)
Hemorrhagic Fevers
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatoblastoma (Liver Cancer)
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer)
Hepatolenticular Degeneration (Wilson's Disease)
Herbal Medicine
Herbicides (Pesticides)
Herniated Disk
Heroin Abuse
Herpes Simplex
Herpes Simplex, Oral (Mouth Disorders)
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Hiatal Hernia (Gastroesophageal Reflux/Hiatal Hernia)
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy
High Risk Pregnancy
Hip Injuries and Disorders
Hip Replacement
Hispanic-American Health
Histoplasmosis (Fungal Infections)
HMO (Managed Care)
Hodgkin's Disease
Home Care Services
Homeless Health Concerns
Homeopathy (Alternative Medicine)
Homosexuality (Gay and Lesbian Health)
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hospice Care
Hospitals (Health Facilities)
Hot Flashes (Menopause)
Household Products
HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
Huffing (Inhalant Abuse)
Human Genome Project (Genes and Gene Therapy)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Huntington's Disease
Hyperactivity (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)
Hypermobility Syndrome (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)
Hyperopia (Refractive Errors)
Hyperparathyroidism (Parathyroid Disorders)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Hypertension, Pulmonary (Pulmonary Hypertension)
Hyperthyroidism (Thyroid Diseases)
Hyperuricemia (Gout and Pseudogout)
Hypoparathyroidism (Parathyroid Disorders)
Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)
Hypothyroidism (Thyroid Diseases)
Modern Medicine & Information
Present Medicine developed from various traditions which is rooted to different countries and different practices. Major development of medicine took place in the late 18th and early 19th century in Europe. Modern medicine developed to a diverse field and the provision providing medical care in a variety of locations and involved in different categories of professionals. Stages of medical care can be divided in to several categories, Primary care, secondary care and Tertiary care medical services. Primary care providers
are the physicians or other health professionals who meet a person seeking medical care first, then secondary or tertiary care providers ideally by referral system.
Health care providers are group of highly trained professionals from different background coming together as an interdisciplinary team. Few common examples include: doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists etc.
Clinical disciplines in medical professional is quite wide and Medical doctors have many specializations and subspecializations. Few common disciplines are anesthesiology, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, General practice, Geriatrics, Hospital medicine, Intensive care medicine, Internal medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Endocrinology